Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Open Topic : Review the book " the inner game of Music

P = p - I
I know thi equation from the book which I have read for two weeks ago. "the inner game of Music" is a book that was written by Barry Green who's has been principal bassist with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Professor of double bass at the University of Cincinnati with W. Timothy Gallway who's fascinated with the problem of how human beings interfere with their own ability to achieve and learn.
The "P" is refers to Performance, "p" stands for potential and i means interference.
They suggest that " We can improve performance by reducing interference". Most people try to improve their performance by increasing their potential through practising and learning new skills. But don't forget, the reducing interference is the thing that we can't ignore. At the same time that potential is being trained and the result is that our actaul performance comes closer to our true potential.
I think it's definitely true but in practical, it's not easy to eliminate our interference especially when we have performance on stage it's very hard to control the situation like that because in that moment there are manythink going on your head.
However, this book is help me to cope with problem by learn more about myself "what is my habit when I was nervous or what I was thinking when I performed?". This is the important point to know and gradually change my mind.
Finally, I think "Mind concept" is the best way to eliminate interference by concentration what we are doing at that moment and try to express with that.

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