Friday, January 15, 2010

What music means to me

Many people consider music as kinds of leisure that mean we usually make music in the way of singing, playing, watching or listening etc.
when we only have free time. Some group use music as a part of entertainment. For me "Music is everything".
Why I assume that music is everything? , that because our life are relate with music either we know or not. Since we were born, we listened to our mother sang for us, sometime we sang the song when we can produce anysound these things mean music is around your life.
When we grow up enough to learn how to appreciate the music, it was use for our entertainment leisure such as singing, dancing, playing instrument, listenning watching even if reading music. Do we think what is music can relate to?
If we think deeply we will see that actually music relate with everything, not only nonsensical issue. In the business world as advertisement, Marketing, production as well knows that how music can help them to catch customer. For example when we see advertisement on Television we will realise that whichever advertisement must including music sound inside for attractive customer.
Nowadays, music is a good choice for doctor to treat patient in the hospital and get pleasingly result.
In conclusion, Music give you more meaning entertainment but it's everything. It's your life forevermore.

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