Friday, January 15, 2010

What music means to me

Many people consider music as kinds of leisure that mean we usually make music in the way of singing, playing, watching or listening etc.
when we only have free time. Some group use music as a part of entertainment. For me "Music is everything".
Why I assume that music is everything? , that because our life are relate with music either we know or not. Since we were born, we listened to our mother sang for us, sometime we sang the song when we can produce anysound these things mean music is around your life.
When we grow up enough to learn how to appreciate the music, it was use for our entertainment leisure such as singing, dancing, playing instrument, listenning watching even if reading music. Do we think what is music can relate to?
If we think deeply we will see that actually music relate with everything, not only nonsensical issue. In the business world as advertisement, Marketing, production as well knows that how music can help them to catch customer. For example when we see advertisement on Television we will realise that whichever advertisement must including music sound inside for attractive customer.
Nowadays, music is a good choice for doctor to treat patient in the hospital and get pleasingly result.
In conclusion, Music give you more meaning entertainment but it's everything. It's your life forevermore.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What I feel about this blogger

As we have been working with this blog I think we achieved alot about how to express our feeling. And have learned to use the reason to explain what we like or don't like, It's not feel like I was studing but I felt enjoy to do those things . Moreover, the topic that we wrote it's similar with our major, so we can enjoy to using language for discussing about that. Beside that I think we have funny time to make another thing except just only practising, I have learned how to use the website because I never use this before so this is my new experience to make it.
Until now I still can't use it much but I will try to keep learning. Thank you our teacher for creat thing like this, at least I think you have got so many knowledge about music, haven't you?

Open Topic : Review the book " the inner game of Music

P = p - I
I know thi equation from the book which I have read for two weeks ago. "the inner game of Music" is a book that was written by Barry Green who's has been principal bassist with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Professor of double bass at the University of Cincinnati with W. Timothy Gallway who's fascinated with the problem of how human beings interfere with their own ability to achieve and learn.
The "P" is refers to Performance, "p" stands for potential and i means interference.
They suggest that " We can improve performance by reducing interference". Most people try to improve their performance by increasing their potential through practising and learning new skills. But don't forget, the reducing interference is the thing that we can't ignore. At the same time that potential is being trained and the result is that our actaul performance comes closer to our true potential.
I think it's definitely true but in practical, it's not easy to eliminate our interference especially when we have performance on stage it's very hard to control the situation like that because in that moment there are manythink going on your head.
However, this book is help me to cope with problem by learn more about myself "what is my habit when I was nervous or what I was thinking when I performed?". This is the important point to know and gradually change my mind.
Finally, I think "Mind concept" is the best way to eliminate interference by concentration what we are doing at that moment and try to express with that.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Review Concert

The Singapore Symphony Orchestra concert on Friday 2nd of October 2009. The concert’s name was “ Rare Occasion”. This concert includes two special guests from New York. One is Okko Kamu, he is the principal guest of Singapore Symphony Orchestra. Moreover, there was special Pianist “Anne-Marie Mc Dermott”. She played piano concerto No.20 in D minor, K. 466 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Her performance was really musical, I got the feeling of the classical melody, structure, the shape of melody and the contrast of dynamics made the music so beautiful. The audiences clapping demonstrated that she succeeded in this concert. She selected to play English Suite for piano by Johann Sebastian Bach with gave more pleasure for the audience.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Qi Zhang's electrifying organ performance

After I listen this music which played by electronic organ, I compared with the original one which play by the full orchestra. The musician, She performed very good interm of technique and interpretation. However, I think there are many different things between playing by organ and playing by the orchestra.
The First, It is about "Timbre". It's clearly for listener about the colour of the organ is very different of orchestra's colours. You can feel that when the orchestra play this piece, It's make you feel more colourful in the same time it is makes more exciting feeling. The reason is there are the real instrument that make the real sound and musician can make more colour through the instrument on the other hand, in the way of play organ they can produce the sound that have colour closer the real sound but musician can not do anything beside "touch on the key". Moreover, I think she doesn't understand exactly how the wind instrument work (I mean how they breath), so when she play it is don't like wind instrument but it's like keyboard instrument play.
Second, It's different in term of "Dynamics". As the musician know, In the orchestra music there are so much range of dynamics that we can make it. For example, the "ff" it's mean very lound, "f" it's mean lound, "mf" (medium lound), "mp"(medium soft), "p" (soft), "pp" (very soft) etc, While the keyboard instrument can not do that. Refer to this thing, it's make different feeling when I listen this music. In addition, When the orchestra play with crescendo or diminuendo it's so clearly different, while the organ can't crecendo and can't diminuendo with natural sound.
next, The "Articulation" that creat stylistic of the music. There are many ways of the articulation such as slur, lagato, staccato, accent, marcato etc. And when the different instrument plays that kinds of articulation, the feeling is also changing. The bad thing is when you play music
on the organ it doesn't make much different feeling for listener, likewise some part of the music different section have to make different articulation but with organ, it's hard for musician to makes different articulation in one hand. It's depend on musician's imagination.
Then, It's different about "Balance and Intonation". In the music there are harmony to make the sense of the music. I listen sometime she can't control the balance in the line. It's make music became disgusting. How about the intonation; refer the music theory, keyboard instrument is tuned with equal system( every note is equal) while the wind instrument and string is tune with just intonation(every notes are not equal). So when orchestra play the chord (major chord , minor chord, Augmented chord, Diminished chord) the colour it's different from keyboard interm of "intonation"
In conclusion, To making a judge it's bad or good,it depend on the purpose of the performance. If she just want to show the new way of the performane, it's very good. But in term of music and interpretation, I think it's not good enough. At any rate, it's depend on audience's expect in the performance.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How music makes you feel

How this music make me feel?
This music is name " It's might be you" , Sing by Stephen Bishop.
I would like to post this music because it's not classical music.
And in my feeling, this music is a melodious song and so good meaning about
love. In addition, The instrument that they use it's make more romantic feeling for this piece.
You will see sweetheart kiss In the end of music. So I think this music touch their heart and also touch my heart too!!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

my musical influences

For me, I have two kinds of the people that have influences for me. The first person is Gustav Mahler, he influenced me in term of "Symphony music"
Gustav Mahler is a composer in the late of 19th century. He considered to be the leading of
orchestral. He has been recognized as one of the most important late romantic composers of classical music. While alive however, his music was disregarded in Vienna but has since taken on a life of its own. Composing mostly symphonies. The most famous symphony is The symphony no.1(Titan) but I also like symphony no.5
I think Mahler is very genius person in the sense of creativity. The second is Phillip Smith, He is the principal
trumpet of New York Philharmonic Orchestra. For me he is prototype for the young trumpet student to imitate.
In his life he have done in every task of music, namely Orchestra player, Wind Ensembles, Brass Ensemble,teaching,Soloist, recording artist, and kinds of freelance. I wish to be succeed like this person. As every trumpet player know he is famous in term of Orchestra work moreover he have the excerpt CD for student who want to know more how to play each orchetra except as well. I also have it, just awesome!!!!